Sunday, October 12, 2008

NC and VA

6 shows in 5 days and travels through 10 states has opened some cool doors in the last couple of weeks. Our show at Elk Creek Winery in Owenton, KY was incredible. Their slice of land is beautiful, with grape vines galore and fall colors kicking in. Our family has been following the road trippin’ for the last couple of gigs…great to have them along!

I'm psyched that a bulk load of my new CDs finally arrived, so I made the timetable of having them with me...whew.

We realized that our 6 hour drive was really a 9 hour drive to the next gig, so we had to cut town at midnight and drive through the night. It was rough for sure, with plenty of fog and deer on the road to make the steering wheel grip a bit tight. We remained in a daze for the rest of the day.

We’re now in Norfolk, Va, following two afternoon sets at Dreams Acres Music Fest in Pleasant Hill, NC. Good country folk in those parts! Everyone was very accommodating and down-to-earth with a very relaxed festival vibe. I got runner up in the singer-songwriter contest, losing to a tune about chewing tobacco...this is tobacco country.

We’ve been playing a solo set each, then a set together. Our duo set is meshing more and more each gig. I’ve found it easy to craft some parts to Nate’s tunes and the covers have been really upbeat and fun.

Forgot to new 1965 Guild came in from eBay and got in setup in Nash-vegas. Its killer. Great tone, and a steal for $800.

One more gig tonight, then headed to Western NC for some trout fishing and camping for 2 days. Can’t wait to rip some browns and rainbows!

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